Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And what did YOU have for dinner last night?

Octopus with soy sauce and tomato...Sounds great, doesn't it?


Unfortunately, it appears this is really a dish. According to our corespondant (yes, our. The other half of my split personality is making its rounds, so you have to put up with both of us. :P ), a few nights ago(alright, late in January), some teenage boys were having an adventure.

With octopus.

Did I mention it was live?

Evidently one of them had found some sort of recipe for these little cephalopods, and they were on a war path to try it. There are no reports on what happened to those involved in the carnage, although I think one of them is missing a nose at the moment, and no one was interested in eating the leftovers the next morning....

Interestingly enough, the boy's wild adventure with creatures from the depths (or not so depthy) sea applies to more than just their tummies.

The Law defines octopi as unclean creatures. They do not have fins or scales, which is the requirement for any water-dwelling creature to be considered "clean."

Or does it?

Our Lord redefines "clean" and "unclean" when He stated that;

"What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.'"

Although none of our dear little squishy friends are here to hear that, it should make them happy.

I, for one, am not interested in such culinary excursions, so I will bow out from further courses.

Have I ever shared our family's Possum Recipe with you?

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